Am I Too Old for Invisalign?

August 29, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bayvilledental @ 3:44 pm

Woman at dentist holding a clear alignerStraight teeth are important for more than just a beautiful, confident smile. The positions of your teeth can affect your oral functions, dental health, and quality of life. Whether you missed your chance for braces as an adolescent or your teeth have shifted, you may be a candidate for Invisalign. There’s no age limit for a straight smile; however, there are a few things older adults need to know about Invisalign.

The Benefits of Straight Teeth

Fixing misaligned teeth is an investment in a healthy, beautiful smile. Properly positioned teeth are easier to clean, reducing your risk of cavities, gum disease, and other issues. With your oral health and general wellness closely connected, straight teeth can support your overall well-being. 

Not to mention, it’s easy to feel embarrassed about gaps, overcrowded, or rotated teeth. Fixing your teeth can boost your self-esteem, so you always look and feel your best. It can also enhance your professional image because an attractive smile is associated with youth, success, and confidence.

How Invisalign Works

Invisalign differs from metal braces because clear aligners are worn over your teeth. They apply gentle pressure to specific teeth to move them in small increments when worn for at least 22 hours per day. You’ll switch to the next set of aligners every 1 or 2 weeks, as instructed by your dentist. On average, it takes about 12 to 18 months to finish your treatment.

You’re Never Too Old for Invisalign 

Adults of all ages can be candidates for Invisalign. However, it’s not uncommon to require a little prep work before getting started. Your teeth and gums must be healthy before any orthodontic treatment. It’s not unusual to require dental fillings, gum disease therapy, and other procedures before Invisalign. In addition, the teeth of older adults can take more time to move than teens, who are still growing and developing. You can ensure there are no delays in your journey by following your dentist’s instructions.

Your cosmetic dentist will create a safe, personalized plan to improve your bite and alignment. You can benefit from the clear choice in orthodontics to achieve a straight smile.

About Dr. Ingy Alhelawe

Dr. Alhelawe achieved her dental degree at Boston University and continues her training regularly to provide the most up-to-date solutions in dentistry, including dental implants and Invisalign. She is a member of many professional organizations, including the New Jersey State Dental Association. Request an appointment through her website or call her office at (732) 385-9944.

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