New Year … New You! Look and Feel Your Best in 2020!

January 2, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — bayvilledental @ 7:40 pm

 As we begin a new year and a new decade, why not make a resolution to do something that will improve your overall health and well-being, while also transforming your appearance? Make 2020 the year you resolve to smile more!

Countless studies have proven that the act of smiling – whether it’s an unconscious reaction or a conscious decision to do so – has a plethora of benefits. Smiling frequently makes us appear to be more attractive, younger, and more confident.

Additionally, smiling can make us feel better too. When we smile, it relaxes our bodies and releases feel-good neurotransmitters, which then lowers our stress levels and improves our mood. It can even boost our immune system and lower blood pressure.

Need yet another reason to start smiling more? Not only can it help you to look and feel better, but it will do the same for those around you. Smiling really is contagious, so smiling at others will create a “domino” effect of people looking and feeling their best!

Visit us online or call us now: 732-269-3200 to learn how we can help you achieve your very best smile.

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